Musician Paradox
Hello people! Well today is a very glorious day, the weather is starting to warm up again!
I hope everyone is having an excellent week! I am still sticking to my plan of no social functions this week. The reason having mostly to do with my money situation at this moment! I am very disappointed in gas prices right now, they shot up over night! My mom very intelligently advised me to gas my car up on Monday, she could tell by the stock market that gas prices would go up this week. She is a very special, charming lady. I am going to cut her grass today! The weather should be fine for it.
Well today I lost self control once more and uploaded another track. This version was recorded when I breifly set up my operation in nyc. That place is very expensive. I hope I visit there sometime soon, but alas, my money situation isn't that good, like I said. I have thought of moving back there. I can, but it would involve liquidating some of my musical assets for the journey, which I hate to do!
You know, I have a lot of time to think about things while I'm driving in my car-- which has no stereo! I was thinking about the musician money paradox I noticed. I noticed that musicians are often the most broke people I meet, it is a stereotype that comes from the truth. The paradox is, that although they are poor, they almost always have some really cool VALUABLE stuff. Stuff like sweet guitars, amps, and valuable shit. People I know with money often have the latest electronic gadgets and cars, clothes, media (games, dvds). The thing is, that those type of purchases don't hold any value after a couple of years, but musical gear (if you are smart when buying) can retain most of it's value, or even appreciate in value! Therefore, I am very reluctant to sell any of my precious vintage gear, especially when our dollar is getting weaker and weaker as time goes by!
Well anyways, it isn't always true. It is a generalization I came up with. No one should live their life giving credence to generalizations, perceiving the world that way! I read that this is part of the Zen philosophy...
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