
Hey People! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! 

Well the Rock City Band was so busy this week! The studio is such a mess, the house was a disaster, but I cleaned it. I also broke down and did a load of laundry, the clothes are in the dryer. It is unfortunate but the Rock City band will have to resume recording on Monday. The good news is that I will be allowed to use tomorrow as a social gathering day with a few of my friends!

Last night that flaky Rock City Band guitar player pissed me off. He was playing his guitar with a beer bottle-- very unprofessional indeed!!! I bitched to him about it, and he gave me some baloney story about how he had the revelation that he finally wanted to combine two of his "life's passions" into one thing--- meaning drinking. Attitudes like that NEED TO STOP. Before you know it, the keyboard player will be masterbating himself while playing the with the group. I get very impatient with the Rock City Band, but recording gives me something to do when the View comes on, I hate that show!



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