video camera

Hey people! I hope everyone is having a decent Christmas Eve! I still have one donut leftover for Santa.

I posted a little video I made of myself playing guitar in the garage. I bought the camera today at Family Dollar, it was 10 dollars off from 30, so it was only 20 bucks! I hope it turns out to be a good investment. It was a last minute purchase. I did have fun learning how to use it today. Maybe I'll get my brother to help me shoot a video. I don't know though, I don't think many people at all watched it. hehe he he he he.

I am not sure if I will be hanging with my friend  tonight. My stupid older sister is having her BF over tonight. Why does she always have to ruin everything? I am blocking her from my posts on facebook, she already alerted my mom that I put down my family was fighting. What a bitch!

Well the next time she does something crazy, I am video taping it!



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