Our Upcoming Shows!
Pete and I are really booked up for the next few weeks with our band 002!
Here is a list of our upcoming shows.
July 15th--- The New Dodge Lounge, Hamtramck with the Dirty News and Perfect Number: Event Page for Show at New Dodge
July 21st--- the Maidstone Theatre, Ypsilanti (more details coming soon)
July 29th--- Indiefest 2017 (Friday @ 2pm) @ the Ralston/Stone House W state Fairgrounds (Detroit): Event Page For Indiefest 2017
We are doing our best to promote these shows! We are a supporting act on each one, so we have to leave some of the decisions regarding event pages and set times to other people. It is my belief that it is important to start promoting weeks in advance. It makes me nervous when I have to wait for details and the event page has 2 people going! I hate nagging at people.
Well, after these shows, we will have completed 9 gigs! We need more shows for August! I have contacted several venues on my own, explaining to them my band is almost at 20 likes! You know what they want, at least 100 +. People don't understand, that the more likes a page has, the percentage of how many people people actually see your posts goes way down. That is why I haven't solicited non-interested pity likes from people. It is more efficient to promote through a personal page. Every day since I started our band page, I get mail from facebook stating I should run an ad. I might just do that, but only after we have some better recordings. I read an article that said once a band page has 1000 likes, only 2-4 percent of people who like it see your post. Its all part of the game to make you buy ads!
--Matthew T. Mruzek
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