Matt's Famous Savory Dump Dog Recipe!

Hey guys, do you ever feel the need to satisfy that sweet tooth but your favorite donut store is closed? Yesterday I ran out of swiss cake rolls, and I wasn't about to drive all the way to the grocery store to get some! Luckily I was prepared, and had a few essential items in my emergency food reserve. Here is a delicious version of a dump cake, inspired by Kathy Mitchell!

Savory Dump Dog Recipe

1 box chocolate cake mix
1 can of diet Vernors
1 package of hot dogs
1/4 cup of mustard
1 tsp cinnamon
3 cups vegetable oil

  1. First, take those hot dogs and chop 'em up into little coins. Every hot dog will make about 10 coin shaped pieces. This will give ya about 80 savory hotdog pieces for your dump cake. Take these coin shaped pieces, and soak them in the 3 cups of vegetable oil!
  2. Now, combine the chocolate cake mix, 1/4 cup of mustard, 1 tsp of cinnamon in a large mixing bowl. Whisk all the ingredients together briskly!
  3. Now, take your vegetable oil and hot dog mix and DUMP it into a large non-metallic baking dish. Now dump the contents of the large mixing bowl on top of this. Whisk the two mixtures together once again.
  4. Now you are ready to add the can of diet Vernors! Mix this into the pan mixture.
  5. Forgot to preheat that oven? Well you're in luck, this special version of the dump cake cooks great in the microwave! Leave it in there on high for about 8 minutes. Make sure you use oven mits when ya take it out of there!
I not only make this in emergencies, but its great for when I have unexpected company (moochers) and I need to feed them something they wont forget. I know this is my moondog's favorite recipe so far!

---Matthew T. Mruzek


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