thanks for coming 2 the show!

Hey people, I am feeling pretty good at this moment. I took a few days off of the internet.

The show went ridiculously well! I am still very happy about it. The whole day was full of fun! I am very very very grateful to everyone that came to see us! Especially to the members of Hit Society, Tom (the cool drummer guy), James for running sound. The other Tom for shooting video, and Jerry for being there as well.

The next show is February 11th @ the I-rock in Detroit. Did you hear the commercial I made for it? hehe he he he h e.

                            COOL COMMERCIAL FOR GIG!

The above video is from back when I had short hair. 2 years ago. I think I could do the song much better now. Covering this song has to be one of the most generic things you can do.... but hey--- its also a huge part of guitar player culture that cannot be ignored!



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