My dating adventures!

Hello precious precious audience! I am glad you took the time to read my page today! 

Today I did some business in Ypsilanti, then I headed to Ann Arbor to check up on the music store, Music-go-round! My favorite all time place! There I ran into my good friend Randy, and solicited his email so I could send him more FREE music! That reminds me, if you are on the facebook, and want to send me an email adress so I can send you some secret songs, that would make me happy! It is a HELL of a lot more productive then spending more time on that stupid website, OKCupid! Jeez, I was feeling good about my self a month or two ago, thinking I could get some dates, but that website totally ruined my confidence to an extent! Those ladies are all judgemental for the most part! It's like "Matt eats beef Jerky, he must not love animals" blah blah blah. heheh ehe he he. Oh well. I am just happy for myself today! What a beautiful day! I am looking forward to possibly hanging out with some friends possibly tonight! Let old Matty know if you are in the area and want to do something in Tecumseh! Bye!!!!!!!



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