It had to be done

Well people, it looks like I have to teach my classes for the children today. I love teaching the children, I know they are the only few people left that actually look up to me/ respect me. It is the sad truth, that when you are a guitar player, past a certain age, most ladies put what you do on the same level as a hobby like playing video games or something. At least my mommy still believes in me, and all of the precious people who read my blogs. heheh ehh e

Right now I am in the middle of my cover art for a concept album I thinking of releasing, I won't go into much detail, but I will tell you that the cover art is being done right now. I haven't decided how many tracks are going to be on it. It is basically going to be a compilation of tracks I have done this year. Expirimental tracks. Think more of what Miles Davis did in the early 70's, except from a guitar player's perspective. I might upload a sample of it once I get the rest of my gear from an associates house.

I do have some good news about our show on December 3rd. I just found out yesterday Koji will be joining us on bass. I also have a drummer, Tom who is going to replacing the other drummer Jake. I don't mean to gossip,  but this basically had to be done. I feel a lot more calm about things knowing this news. Wish me luck, and have an excellent day!



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