How to Rid Your Home of Demonic Entities-- by Matthew T. Mruzek MD

It has come to my attention that many of my readers may be dealing with issues concerning paranormal experiences. Feelings of fear and dread are often the side effects  of having a demonic spirit manifestation. Here is one easy way to rid your home or apartment of any ghost or demonic spirit that maybe be stalking you from time to time:

1. The first step is to find your local phone book, or pull up a google search engine page. You will want to look up the nearest well stocked video rental store in your area. Once you find one that is still in business, you will want to travel there alone, without your wife or significant other.

2. Once you are at the video store, you will want to discreetly make your way to the back aisles to where they store adult movies. They are often concealed by dividing walls to shield the eyes of more conservative patrons and their children.

3. Browse the adult section and find 3 titles that interest you. Commit to renting these titles. You may want to come back at a later date if there is someone of the opposite sex running the cash register. Also,  it helps to bring along sunglasses for when the rental transaction takes place. Keep in mind you may have to remove them if you are needing to create a video rental membership, so take this into account if you are of the bashful type.

4. Once you are home, feel free to find the time to watch these videos wherever you feel an uncomfortable presence. Watch them long enough and often enough to fully appreciate them one, two, or even three times a day. If you keep this habit up every day or so for two or three weeks, you will see a markedly lower amount of paranormal incidents. I have never had a problem with ghosts after completing the above procedure.

Why does this work?

Often a spirit or ghost feels an attachment to the property they inhabit. They feel like it is theirs. Believe it or not, ghosts are all around around us, and may be watching you right now! If you are less than of an attractive sort, do you really believe a spirit will want to hangout in what has become your bordello of the 5 knuckle shuffle?

You may also wonder, will this work with demonic spirits, and not just the ghosts of the once living? The answer is yes! Demonic spirits operate with one goal, to drag you down to the depths of hell with them. If you are already watching porn 80 percent of the time you are home alone and making it count each time, they realize you don't need them to drag you to hell when the chances of you already going there are already so high!

I hope you have found this information helpful in ridding your home of spirits that may be spying on you, or giving you an uneasy feeling. I too have often felt not quite at ease when moving into a new place. However, I am convinced that my daily habits have the abilty to ward off any spirit that may think of haunting me.

--- Matthew T. Mruzek M. D.


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