I Want Your Guitar!-- by Matthew T. Mruzek
I am now taking a break from writing funny, brilliant, masterpiece blogs to inform everybody that I am looking for guitars to buy.
Don't take your vintage, rare, and or name brand guitars to the pawnshop, they sometimes only offer as little as 20 percent. Guitar Center usually offers about 40 percent on their low retail price.
You could try craigslist, but take it from my experience, you can often wait months or years to see your vintage or high end guitar sell. The fact is, even at a reasonable price, you are dealing with regular people, and most people don't have 1000 + dollars to spend on an instrument. I am starting to believe that most guitars are being bought on credit these days.
I am a collector, I am not trying to flip anything. However, I can only buy stuff if the deal is really good. The disadvantage to selling to me is that you may not get everything that it is worth. The advantage is that I will offer you cash right away, and you wont have to deal with dickering online with people that never show up---or show up and try to trade you a bunch of stuff.
If you are considering selling to guitar center, and you aren't happy with what they are offering, please contact me:
Hypothetical Examples:
Guitar Center Used Gibson Les Paul Studio: 599.99
What they paid for from customer: 240.00
What I would pay you: 360.00
Vintage 1972 Fender Bronco: 849.00
What they paid from customer: 340.00
What I would pay: 510.00
1979 Vintage Fender Stratocaster, original: 1,400.00
What they paid from customer: 560.00
What I would pay you: 840.00
*Also, note that I may be willing to pay more for an instrument if I happen to enjoy playing it. I may beat these initial estimates.
Thank you for your time--
Matthew T. Mruzek
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