Whatever happened to the Ill Itches?

Some people may wonder what I have been up to since the disbanding of the Ill Itches. The band disbanded in a very unofficial, flaky, runaround sort of way. It took me about 2 or 3 months to realize the group was nothing more than a collection of overworked "extremely" busy flakes.

Josh and Matt are apparently too busy working at Doner to play, and I think Stephen doesn't want to play because he got a girlfriend, or is busy working as some sort of slave-chef in some bullshit trendy restaurant.

I don't have much sympathy for these wimps. I am the one that used to drive directly to work and sleep in the parking lot of my job for a couple of hours on a weeknight gig so I could be at work by 5:45, after being out until 2.

So then what did I decide to do? I decided that I was going to buy myself a drummer, and play with other people that were willing to play for free. I have very few expectations about what types of gigs I can book in Hipster Rock City. Like I have often said before, I have been on both sides of this scene; the cool side that got major gigs handed to them by Lee Majors, and the other side that was happy to get a gig at some coffee shop no one ever heard of.

Well, I don't give a damn. There are so many illusions in regard to how people may perceive a band as successful. I don't know a single band here that even makes a poverty wage. No one plays for the money. It could just be all for vanity. It could be because people want to re-live some highschool fantasy and be cool for once.

FYI, I never considered myself a punk. I consider myself more of a right wing nut that hates the government and doesn't deal in plastic compassion. I take care of myself, I take responsibility for my own life. I live in a junky house because I live below my means. Why should someone with a 100,000 mortgage be able to claim their mortgage interest and get a big check at the end of the year, while suckers like me have to pony up a couple Gs every year in property taxes and city income taxes? It's government subsidization of the real estate business and it really just helps the banks! With all the taxes I pay, can't the city of Detroit do something about the abandoned rat infested houses I live next to? Or are they just going to invest in some bullshit, trendy downtown section like fantasy-world Corktown?

We will never see social security. The government gets us more and more into debt every year. They spend money that they don't make. They make decisions and pass bullshit laws (like how you can't warm up your car), and half of my friends expect me to vote for a further government expansion? I don't think so. Most of the people that do, live in a perpetual adolescence and haven't had to face the music in regard to how much the government taxes and oppresses the working class.

Oh well. I am truly sorry if I hurt anyones feelings!


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