Detroit Rot in Hell

Today my blood boiled when I figured out that the amount I pay in taxes is roughly 235 dollars every week. This includes property taxes, Detroit city income taxes, and the amount that is automatically taken from my check every week. This does not include the mandatory health insurance I am forced to buy, which covers 200 dollars each day of a hospital visit (total joke). This does not include fuel taxes and sales tax. Thanks to Rick the putrid Dick Snyder, our gas tax has just gone up. We already had some of the most expensive gas in the country.

As I drove to work in the falling snow early this morning, I was wondering why the hell I did not see a single plow truck out. I was driving to get to work and I needed to get there. The first two days of work every week go to taxes! Where would the government be without suckers like me! I was wondering on the way home, why have people put up with this for so long? There should be a revolution.

I guess too many people have jobs subsidized by the government. You know, the good kind of jobs that have all sorts of benefits like paid sick days, 5 weeks vacation time, pensions, and retirement crap. I guess those people are making out. Oh well.

I am so glad Detroit gave all kinds of tax breaks for little Caesars stadium. (they used MY money) I'm glad they named it that. I hate sports, and I especially hate the red wings. Something called "red wings" should taste good, not be a bunch of stupid people getting all excited about stupid boring sports.


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