Why I have lost respect for Guitar Player Magazine (and other things)
About a month ago, I ordered a counterfeit Fender Stratocaster from a Chinese trade website. I received it this week. I enjoy playing it a lot, but I began thinking about the people who made it.
The seller had several pictures of older Chinese workers crafting the guitars. I thought about them as I passively played all of my usual muscle-memory-cliche guitar moves. I read on the internet that the workers in Chinese factories often work 16 hour days, 6 days a week. I heard they make about 50 cents an hour. That kind of makes me have to forfeit all of my complaining rights to my job. (Yes I do have a job, I know most of you assumed I was a successful rockstar.)
Well, I also heard about the guy in the Cort guitar factory who intentionally set himself on fire and all of the suicides that come out of the factories. I feel partly to blame for it I guess. Then I came across this article from Guitar Player Magazine:
Well, HELLO, this magazine isn't going to tell you the truth about anything. Almost all of the crap this magazine gets its advertising revenue from is stuff that is made over-seas. This is just another example of how you wont get the truth from most sources. Just like how no one on the radio, or no politician will tell you its a bad idea to buy a 25,000 dollar car that will put you in debt for 10 years as it turns into a rusty piece of shit. In fact, they encourage it because its good for the American worker. Ha.
Americans are lazy pieces of shit when it is taken into account all the shit these people go through in slave labor camps to bring us cheap, inexpensive goods. All I hear is complaining from young people who wont get off their asses and get a real job. They want the government to pay for their education, this and that. I see it every day in my job when the young guys need to leave early every day so they can jerk off to themselves in the mirror at Planet Fitness and take some selfies. The ironic thing is that I grow fatter and fatter the harder that I work. I miss being a lazy young person with no responsibilities. Oh well.
The guitar isn't perfect, but it is really nice for the money. It stays in tune and looks very nice, all while making me feel just a little guilty.
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