Bad Christmas Present

Well, I thought I could get away with it, but they caught me! I didn't file any City of Detroit income tax. Now I just opened a 900 dollar bill on Christmas Eve morning. I am trying to not let it ruin my precious 3 days off.

I have a lot of resentment that I am getting hassled for this dough. I bust my ass off so hard every day at work, and already pay a shitload of the money I make to taxes. I also pay property taxes. Not to mention sales tax. I also realize they want to collect taxes on that old 401 k account I made a few years ago before I switched companies that lost all kinds of money.

Like I said, I don't want to ruin the Christmas spirit. The reason the country elected a Republican is because people are sick of other people figuring this out,

"Hey, if I plead poverty, I can get out of paying almost any taxes, get a free hand out, and not have to go to a shitty job that I hate every day."

Or they may think of something like this, "Hey, technically I only make 3.50 an hour if I don't include all the money I make in tips every night that never gets taxed. Technically, I can go to community college for free! While all the poor working class stiffs can pay 6 Gs a years of their hard earned, already taxed money if they want an education"

Well, its all my own fault, I admit it. At least the water department fixed the leaky pipe under the sidewalk of my house, and didn't hand me a huge bill. I guess I have some gratitude. I wish I could just pay the bill online and push it out of my mind, but it seems like they want me to send a check. I will have to go to the bank and have them make one up for me. Oh well.


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