McDonalds Icecream Cones

Hello people, today I decided to get an icecream cone at Mcdonalds. I got one dipped in chocolate for 1.39. It tasted really good, but I have a huge problem with something.

I have had Mc Donald's Ice Cream cones in 3 different states where my family has lived, South Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan. I remember getting really big icecream cones, not all the time but they never made them small. Now whenever I get one, it doesn't matter where, they are always TOO SMALL!

I am not an idoit, I know they have a little picture of what the cone size is supposed to be be, they have had that for years, and most of the time it was disregarded. Now it seems though, they are being really strict with their sizes.

 I remember getting a few ice cream cones this big back in the good old days. They weren't always this big, but I do remember happier times when they made them this big.

Now this cone right here---t is not that big, not as big as the one above, but it still looks like a decent cone. I would be satisfied if I got a cone like this. It is not huge, but not tiny either. It is medium. Like I said, I wouldn't complain too hard if I got a cone this big. And by complain, I mean I wouldn't have much of a story to tell.

Now look at this one. This one is pretty damn small. This is pretty typical of the cones I recieve today. This one is way too small. This is a huge difference from the other too cones. Not acceptable.

I have a couple theories to why they are smaller. Let's first examine the first one... which also happens to be everybody's exscuse for everything.

1. The economy..... We always hear about it. I think some people would imagine themselves as richie rich right now if only the "conomy" would "git" better. Good thing they are gonna raise taxes on the rich so I can have a "fair shot". Everything is just so bad..... they can't even give me a decent sized cone at Mcdonalds. There is an icecream shortage!

I don't believe this. You know it would probably only cost mcdonalds a few more cents to make the icecream cones a decent size. Everytime you order a mcdonalds cone, it is a money maker. They can't be nearly as expensive to make as a mcdouble. I am not falling for the old economy thing. No way hose'.

2. The number 2 theory has to do with the dollar menu. Yes the cones are now on the dollar menu, so you have to make them smaller, I mean they never used to be on the dollar menu, right?

This sounds like a plausible theory, but I also remember getting them for a dollar before mcdonalds even officially had a "Dollar menu". Not all of you remember, but McDonalds didn't always have a "dollar Menu". Now that doesn't mean that Mcdonalds didn't sell anything for a dollar.... they still did, but they just didn't have the marketing to call it the Dollar Menu. They basically took a lot of stuff that was already a dollar and arranged it together. I remember getting cones for a dollar before the dollar menu. I even remember getting them for LESS than a dollar. One promotion I remember distinctively sold them for 39 cents. AND THEY WERE STILL BIG, or at least a decent size.

3. The third and final theory also happens to be my favorite. It has to do with a bunch of health concious flakes that are always trying to intimidate Mc Donalds, and try to make my decisions FOR me. Like that stupid mayor of new York, Mayor Bloomberg, who outlawled drinks larger than 16 oz. He says, you can still buy two, but you need to realize how many calories you are eating. Like I am some retard who can't run his own life?  I always considered New York to have only 10 percent of the freedom I have living out here in the country.

MCDONALDS should be punished for making such inexpensive delicous food. They are rich and successful company, and anyone/company who is rich must cheat people on a daily basis. They must mislead people into thinking their food is healthy. I hate this types of people. It seems like every month or so Mc Donalds is in the news ecause some health group wants to have a lawsuit, or is protesting them. These people need to go get a life. Also, why do they only care about mcdonalds? Why don't they go after Burger King or Wendys?

So my theory is that Mcdonalds caved in and is now being diligent about how big their cones really are. I mean, officially, they are only supposed to contain something like 150 calories? They probably make them really small to avoid any lawsuits from some tree hugger hippies that have nothing better to do.

This may seem far fetched, I admit it. Did they send out a memo to all the managers or something? It doesn't matter where I go, everytime I get them, they are always really small. I do believe the situation has something to do with people bashing mcdonalds. Mcdonalds has tried to clean up it image in response to it. Offering salads, putting nutritional content on the wrappers. ect.

So that's my theory, the stupid health nuts ruined it for everybody. I guess I can always get 2, but that's not the same as one big one. I ate that puny thing in 2 minutes. You get 3 good licks and you are already starting to get to the cone. Oh well.



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