Scamacasters on Craigslist
Hello people. Today has been like many other days in the past, I have experienced something that is very common. People on craigslist posting misleading or ripp off ads for musical instruments! Check this next posting out: Fender Stratocaster with Amp, Case, and Strap - $475 (Carleton) 475 dollars. Now there really isn't anyway this could be that great of deal, even if it was what it said it was. A used Fender strat made in mexico will usually cost between 200-300 dollars used, but that doesn't mean that people don't try to get more for them, which I will elaborate on later! So its not taking it for granted that you can usually find a great amp in the 175 dollar price range. Here is a picture of what the guy is selling: This is a squire! I am getting so tired of people listing squires as fenders. The amp is a beginner amp made by crate, it is 10 watts. I highly doubt that this guitar/amp combo could have even cost 300 brand new , let alone 475 dollars used ! I hate i...