Want a band for your Garage, Basement, or Barn Party?

Pete and I had a blast at our first gig this weekend!

The gig was at someone's barn party. It was so nice getting out of Detroit, the people were so kind. We had a very good reception from the people who were there. There were quite a few people watching, and at least 5 people taking cell phone videos of us playing!

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any of the videos. We played for complete strangers, so even though they said they were putting them on facebook, I can't find them. We will have to make a band page soon!

Pete and I are calling our band 002 for now! I know it's confusing, but it is supposed to be like 007 in the James Bond films. I hope we find a better name eventually, but Pete is really the one in charge.

Oh well. I hate all this pressure to conform and be like everyone else. I don't mind the band being a secret for a while!

You got any low key gigs for us? Well, hit me up! We love exposing ourselves! We don't mind setting up in your garage and playing for a handful of your friends. We would like to play for at least 10-20 people at every gig. The last gig was a lucky one and had about 50 people. I am kind of against the whole club atmosphere anyways. There is always pressure there by the establishment for you to waste money on beer. Plus, legitimate places would rather you come up with some trite sounding lyrics, and pigeonhole you into a genre, and want you to promote for them ect. If we set up in your garage, we might let other people come by and jam too! I am sick of rules.

If you are reading this, you know how to find me!

---- Matthew T. Mruzek


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